The Bride and Groom Drunch

What is the Bride and Groom Drunch?

It is an afternoon/evening exclusive day for couples (5 couples minimum and 10 couples maximum) where original and different professionals of the sector show through an experience their product or service. The whole event has a specific aesthetic on each occasion and many surprises for you to enjoy organizing your B-day.

How long does the event last?

Who Organizes, Designs, Decorates and Coordinates the Bride and Groom's Drunch?

The Bride and Groom Drunch is the brainchild of Mabel de Ma Vie Romantique, Mabel is the creative soul of the event, she decides the aesthetics, theme, selection of suppliers, organizes, coordinates, designs and decorates each drunch taking care of the final staging. Through her custom-made communication atelier she shapes each of the drunches, holding the event in her space in the center of Madrid.

For more details about The Bride and Groom Drunch

We share with you this PDF with all the specific details of the services we offer download it and take a look if you have any doubts we are here to answer any questions.
